KELVPN AMA Summary Recap with Shin Chan Community

Shin IEO/ICO Alerts
6 min readApr 11, 2021

We held a live AMA with Constantin Papizh, Lead Developer of KelVPN on 02th April 10:00 PM (UTC+8). Here’s the recap for those who missed it.


JH|Shin Chan: Before AMA start, can you introduce yourself and the team background?

Constantin Papizh: I come from southlands of Russia. Taken an MS degree in Computer Science, I was into R&D and software development in engineering branches, s.a UAV systems, numerical modelling and applied maths. The persisting institutional crisis and growing discredit of banking sector in my local area, in contrast to the dramatic advance of cryptoindustry and De-Fi worldwide manifestation, engaged me into the crypto field. At 2018 I came into Demlabs and then science 2019 I worked upon basis of the KelVPN service.
Rest the team was also working in Demlabs with other VPN projects and Cellframe but then the company was split. Now we’re independent team.

JH|Shin Chan: Do you have any news about KelVPN would like to share with us?

Constantin Papizh: We’ve announced the first Cellchain auction at summer, thats smth like Polkadot auction. Also we have soon some software updates, but details can’t share for now.

AMA Twitter Section Begin

Q1: “Already the competition of VPN platforms is not only in the traditional market but also in blockahin, so why should we use KELVPN? What privacy measures do we have with KELVPN with respect to others? What about the prices? Are theirs more expensive cheaper?”

Constantin Papizh: As I know we’re only decentralized VPN with modern post quantum encryption. Also we have free price forming with orderbook. So, the free market should give us better prices and better service quality. Shortly it could be said that we implement service providers competetions, thats nobody does as I know, especially with post-quantum encryption.

Q2: "Could you please give us an overview of the Tokenomic $ KEL token. What are usecases and what models are; how is this incentivized and how does the mining program work? Does it include rare paths like burns, buybacks, storage to help promote token prices?”

Constantin Papizh: $KEL tokens are necessary to fully integrate KelVPN into the Cellframe ecosystem. The tokens will also be rewarded to node runners to incentivize increased decentralization and network stability. Possible more usages like staking in Ethereum network, stay tuned.
After the integration it will be swaped into the Cellframe native token KEL. KEL could be used not only to purchase VPN. It also will be used for staking. Staking required if you want to provide VPN service and earn on this. You can stake and provide. Or delegate your stake to smbd who want to provide the service.
Also this token could be used for savings, as any crypto currency, for trading on Cellframe Core Network, for governance, PoS based emission. Possible other usecases.

Q3: "You mention that it is through blockchain and quantum encryption that they manage to protect data, even from supercomputer attacks, it sounds incredible! But have they really already carried out tests that validate that statement? If so, where can we find it?”

Constantin Papizh: Its all in theory but thats hard theory. PQ encryption differs from classics with the next key moment: it requires to store all the intermediate calculcations results. Such memory requirement also used to prevent quantum mining for PoW function and also helps to make ASIC resistant mining. Simillar mechanics is used in Post Quantum encryption functions, it requires huge amounts of memory to verify so the quantum computers will need billions qubits to crack it. Thats gives us time to pass communications on quantum keys exchange, thats we’re also prepared for.

Q4: "Usually to use a VPN service there is a paid (premium), some are free for users.
So, is KelVPN a premium or free service?”

Constantin Papizh: Its premium service. Secure VPN can’t be for free, unfortunatelly. For example if you try to add one more free VPN in AppStore it will be a problematic. Free VPN its trap usualy to get your private data or use you as relay for diry things. Especially when it has good quality and support, ask yourself about how they earn monies to pay for the servers, support and etc?

Q5: "How does the kelvpn network differ from regular vpn applications? Does it have advantages that you can make it at the forefront of existing projects in this field”

Constantin Papizh:
* Modern post-quantum encryption
* KelVPN is decentralized — it cannot collect logs, spy, or sell your data.
* High-speed low-lattency data supporting 8k+ video streaming, cloud gaming and etc

Telegram Live AMA Begin:

Q6: Servers often fall short in situations of increased data traffic. How does KELVPN use servers and can it be disabled due to increased data traffic problems?

How exactly does the Onion routing and data packaging system work and how does it work against security risks in setting up data, bank card details and personal information?

Constantin Papizh: Nodes guarantee the bandwith for the client, if they doesn’t he’ll select another one. Also possible to have more then one connections at same time. Planned to have the reputations system that will mark nodes with better speed. Also will be cross-node speed measurements to find the best network routes. Lot of different tricks are implemented or planned to be impleneted during this year.

Q7: Do you have plans to introduce FREE TRIAL to obtain serial key on KELVPN app?

Constantin Papizh: Unfortunatelly no.

Q8: Can you tell us why did you chose the part “KEL “ of your name? Apart of be a VPN do you offer any other service?

Constantin Papizh: Its in name of William Thomson Kelvin, famous british physicist. His works related with low temperatures physics thats used for quantum computers.

Q9: As we know, if the power to create software remains very expensive, because the creation of software will continue to lead to centralization. So, what will your project do about it ? Could you please tell me how your project will fix this problem?

Constantin Papizh: We’re based on Cellframe thats became community driven project, as well we’re also planned to mimimize centralization ever in software development. Everything or almost everything is opensource and we have a plans to build open development community.

Q10: Can you explain, what are your hopes for the future, especially your project, crypto market and Cryptocurrency?

Constantin Papizh: We want to release some software updates, then start to test stake delegation in our testnet. Next we want to release iOS version and update MacOS version a lot.
Next few months should be encryption updates, possible multi-hop mode, then at summer is planned cellchain auction. Thats the short brief.

Q11: Liquidity, transaction fees and slippage have always been important factors in Financial services. How do you solve the above problems to attract users?

Constantin Papizh: Its solved by Cellframe platform with conditional transactions thats doesn’t require gas for token exchange, staking and etc. We also don’t require gas for operations, everything goes on ledger level.

Q12: The fact that KelVPN offers high-speed data to support up to 8k + video streaming is awesome, but is it only limited to computers or mobiles? Can’t we use this features on other devices like TV?

Constantin Papizh: No limitation for devices. If you have Android-based TV or AppleTV or smth based on Linux — you can use it without problems.
Also we have a plans to produce our own hardware vpn client. With such hardware you can wrap all your home traffic in KelVPN.

Q13: Am I Safe Using Public Wi-Fi Hotspots with KelVPN?

Constantin Papizh: Yes!

Constantin Papizh: Security Spacesuit for your internet. First deanon-proof and quantum-safe VPN in prod. powered by Cellframe

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